
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
D. Vanhaecke, C. de Leaniz, G., Gajardo, G., Thomas, C. J., Consuegra, S.2012Metapopulation dynamics of a diadromous galaxiid fish and potential effects of salmonid aquaculture
D. Vanhaecke, C. de Leaniz, G., Gajardo, G., Young, K., Sanzana, J., Orellana, G., Fowler, D., Howes, P., Monzon-Arguello, C., Consuegra, S.2012DNA barcoding and microsatellites help species delimitation and hybrid identification in endangered galaxiid fishes
D. Vanhaecke, Allainguillaume, J., Croxford, A., C. de Leaniz, G., Consuegra, S.2011Development of 13 microsatellite markers for the threatened galaxiid fish Aplochiton zebra (Jenyns, 1842)
E. Verspoor, Beardmore, J. A., Consuegra, S., C. de Le niz, G., Hindar, K., Jordan, W. C., Koljonen, M. L., Mahkrov, A. A., Paaver, T., S nchez, J. A., Skaala, , Titov, S., Cross, T. F.2005Population structure in the Atlantic salmon: insights from 40 years of research into genetic protein variation
E. Verspoor, C de Leaniz G.1997Stocking success of Scottish Atlantic salmon in two Spanish rivers
K. A. Young, Dunham, J. B., Stephenson, J. F., Terreau, A., Thailly, A. F., Gajardo, G., C. de Leaniz, G.2010A trial of two trouts: comparing the impacts of rainbow and brown trout on a native galaxiid
K. A. Young, Stephenson, J., Terreau, A., Thailly, A. F., Gajardo, G., C. de Leaniz, G.2009The diversity of juvenile salmonids does not affect their competitive impact on a native galaxiid
K. A. Young, Dunham, J. B., Stephenson, J. F., Terreau, A., Thailly, A. -.F., Gajardo, G., C. de Leaniz, G.2010A trial of two trouts: comparing the impacts of rainbow and brown trout on a native galaxiid
K. A. Young, Stephenson, J., Terreau, A., Thailly, A. -.F., Gajardo, G., C. de Leaniz, G.2009The diversity of juvenile salmonids does not affect their competitive impact on a native galaxiid  


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith